The Laura Van Wie Gallery

Laura Van Wie

About the Artist:

Leaves dancing in the wind, a child laughing at life, peace and forgetting about life for a while: that is what I want you to see as you gaze into my art. Art isn’t about; awards, ribbons or what school you went to. Art is about joy, love and just plain having fun. If you can see this as you venture onto my art, or as I’m teaching an art class, then I’m doing my job as an artist. That is when you have truly become an artist.

Education: B.A., University of Central Florida. Master work Texas A& M
Awards: Drum Major & student conductor (Cocoa Beach)
Archery: 1984 Olympic team (1st alternate) 1983
World Field team, 3X member U.S. National team
Art: building sand castle on the beach (1st place, Cocoa Beach)
Decorated eggs (merit award, Baroursville)
Watercolor paintings (2nd place, Art Works, Melbourne)

I have three boys and a great husband, who are my world. I grew up in Merritt Island, Cape Canaveral area, which would explain my love for Florida landscapes and nature.
Dare to Dream; If you dare to dream it just might happen, if you never dream things will never happen. You must dare to dream.

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The biography of Laura Van Wie available from